Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Carpe Diem

The struggle with creativity and inspiration is that often these fleeting moments occur when you are unable to take the imaginative power to its tangible outcome. Conversely, it seems that the daily events that consume so much time carrying out less creative endeavors are also the very events that birth the inspiration and creativity.

There is much to be said about being “in the moment” and using introspection as the springboard for infinite possibilities of creating and subsequently inspiring others. These “moments of clarity” often arrive without notice, forethought or even preparation. Moreover, within these moments lies the meta-analysis of ourselves, others, intentions, understandings, meanings and emotion - priceless glimpse into profound wisdom of the human condition.

I deeply value and cherish the times when my intellect and perceptual psyche are in harmony. I value my unexpected inspirational moments because, as with most of life’s treasures, if these instances are wasted, procrastinated or even brushed aside the probability of when this may occur again is unknown.

Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero – "seize the day and place no trust in tomorrow"

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Foreboding and Benevolence

Navigational sailor's compass rose.Image via Wikipedia

Awareness has hastened upon my spirit. Familiarity breeds contempt, I was once advised. Wise words meant for specific circumstances.

I know well my own internal, emotional compass and it is when this compass points south – despite my own impediment to move the dial otherwise – I should always take heed and take action. As sure as I may know what I should do in moments of emotional unrest alas, I have again chosen to turn a blind eye to wisdom.

There lies a large chasm between those who are wise, empathetic, deeply intuitive individuals and those who live lives riddled with self-centered behavior, one-dimensional cognitions, and judgmental commentaries.

Enjoy and revel in the plights, flaws and misunderstandings of all others. Perched upon minarets, a throne only made for one, pointing, scoffing, and chortling with sinister delight.

The hateful aspersions; incessantly echoed with bellowing satisfaction, or when in fear of retribution the explication is a soft innuendo slithered from the lips of one through the clefts of the ears to another.

This, to me, is the lowest and most unexamined life one could ever live.

Sadly reprehensible.

I vow to heed my internal warnings and never allow bitterness or contempt to overcome who I am created to be in this world.
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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Two Flew Over the Cuckoo

Two Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

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Indolent Living

Piggly Wiggly was the first self-service groce...Image via Wikipedia

So often, people are content to sit and watch silently the demise of others. This indolent living is apparent in everyday life, whether you are perusing the aisles of your local grocery store or waiting in line at the movie theater, you can notice the expressionless gaze of humanity.

It seems as of late the concern and empathy for others is waning. Look for yourself, smile at strangers while shopping or waiting in the doctor’s office. When you take this brief moment to pass along a generous non-verbal expression, consider the reaction you receive – if any at all.

I think everyone is eating lemons before they leave the house.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hope is Lost

Eternal hope can be incredibly damming. Always hoping for others to achieve some sort of potential, develop personal insight or even give a crap can, if provided the right circumstances, create excruciating heartache in the “hoper.”

Time after time, the disappointment and gut wrenching emotional torture creates a level of resentment so deep that the once accepted empty apologies are nothing but white noise to the ears. Time will not heal the wounds. All that is left is the calloused and yellowing scars of the lies and destruction.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So what is socialism?  Wikipedia states that socialism, “refers to any one of various economic theories of economic organization advocating state or cooperative ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equal opportunities/means for all individuals with a more egalitarian method of compensation based on the full product of the laborer.”

The egalitarian method of pay wages and salaries is “equal” across the board for all who work, whether you are a medical physician or a janitor, everyone is paid on a fair or equal basis.  This means that any desire or motivation one person may have to achieve excellence and advancement within their field of work will be no more compensated then those who are willing to maintain their personal status quo.

In addition, Wikipedia also reports that, “Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital, creates an unequal society, and does not provide equal opportunities for everyone in society.”  Wow?!?  Really??!!?  So the essential idea is that socialists would prefer that EVERYONE gets a fair advantage in the form of governmental handouts and mediocrity with minimal work.

The primary flaw within the socialistic mentality is that those who generally advocate for socialism are those who generally already have power and wealth e.g., the President, congress, senate, "20 million dollars a movie” actors, etc.  The reason – albeit obvious – is that the power necessary to implement and maintain socialism lies within the government and other already filthy rich celebrities.  The government is the only entity that can create the fair society thereby forcing the people to live within mediocrity all the while the government and Hollywood’s loudest and most opinionated delight in the spoils.

I am quite aware that if anyone with a small fraction of power and control advertised that the national four year plan was to implement a socialistic society, most would scream in protest and denounce the very idea.  Overt advertising and frank remarks are not the plan by those with power.  The powerful people would never dream of "beating" the United States population "over the head" with these lazy ideals.  In fact, the proposed “plan” by the powerful is quite subtle. First, you gain governmental control over a large and financially bust corporation.  Second, you entice those relying on minimal governmental “income” by compensating these people with a whopping $250.00 “rebate” check to stimulate the economy. Third, you penalize anyone who has worked diligently their entire life to build some or any wealth by raising their taxes to pay those who (take your pick here) don’t, won’t or just don’t care to work and earn a living or even return to college to obtain a better paying job.   And there you go.  The individuals who work hard, sacrifice and manage their finances will eventually have just as little as those who do not and will not and refuse to actually work.

We will breed a society of mediocre work ethic, lack of impetus to strive for betterment and outright laziness.   I cannot wait until this day arrives.  We can all work 30 to 35 hours a week at a job we don’t give a crap about and take three month vacations each year.  We can replace the water system with Gatorade, dumb down our educational system and provide out family nutrition by means of pizza, fried foods and cookies.  Nothing really needs to change either, just continue to bury our head in the sand and tout the greatness of our world leader for $250 rebate checks and electronic automobiles.

Yep, it’s going to be wonderful.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Haiku Moment

Stormy spring clouds rain

Rejoice the song birds do sing!

In lush sodden greens


Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Trite Renewal

I must say that my faith in humanity has waxed and waned over the last few weeks.  I feel as though I have unknowingly become a passenger on a horrific, and at times, peaceful rollercoaster ride.

Ride with me, will you? 

The steep accent is exciting, yet fearful as we slowly climb the tracks – look around and for if only a brief moment notice the beauty that is the earth below you.  The others are mingling what now seems so far beneath your feet.   There is an anticipatory – almost eerie silence – as we wait to discover the thrill that will meet us over the hill.  As we reach the summit of the tracks time stands still…..then….with a quick gasp of life breath………click.   We plummet downward, screaming, knuckles white gripping the metal bracing.  Physically we feel the powerful force of gravity push our bodies back against the seats.  Exhilarated, fearful, we attempt to measure the twists, turns, loops around and around.  Yes, this is exciting!  The adrenalin forces through our veins creating a dizzying energy.  The excitement is intoxicating.  Soon this ride will be over, or will it?

This emotional traverse, however cliché it may seem is a continued struggle I skirmish each week although, it often seems the ride never ends.  I commented to a colleague that our days often seem like Groundhog Day (the movie) a repetition of the previous day with little variation.  This colleague gently advised me that in the movie the character experiencing these repetitive days “eventually learned from his mistakes and became a better person.”  OUCH!!  Well I suppose it was my blunder to reveal my selfish troubles to a mental health professional.  Nevertheless, I continued to observe the mêlée of my expectations with sobering veracity of life.

When do things change, people change?  Do these people think I do not see through their thinly veiled attempts at triangulation, manipulation and outright lies?  There may have been a time in my life that I could have “related” to these destructive behaviors, but now I frequently feel weary and out of ideas.  

Monday, March 23, 2009

My giraffe friend and I had a philosophical conversation this afternoon.  I snapped this photo for a memento of the moment. 

 I was informed that this last statement is from the department of redundant redundancy..

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The One-Minute Writer: Today's Writing Prompt: Lie

I found an interesting writing blog, aptly labeled The One-Minute Writer.

This blogger concept is use 60 seconds to scribe a brief narration relating to the daily topic provided by the blog’s author. 

My addition is included after the link.

A lie I told to someone or to myself……

I lie to myself daily - sometimes by the hour or minute.  I lie to myself about the bizarre, distressing, sorrowful and fearful things I hear each day in my line of work.  I tell myself “I’ve done all I can” or “it’s out of my hands.”  And within this piercing abundance of lies is the soft whispering of my soul that tells me it will be okay tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Facebook and the Brain

This evening I made the transition into the social phenomena known as Facebook. Interestingly enough once I discovered “friends” (some of which I have not spoken to for some time) I became absorbed in this electronic process.

Forcing myself to shift gears and redirect my attention I clicked on over to one of my weekly reader blogs, Neuroskeptic. Coincidentally the latest post was about the perils of Facebook, albeit skeptical (as the blogger’s name suggests) but also honest in the opinion that were made about Baroness Susan Greenfield.
The post in its entirety can be located here.

Interesting and valid points made on both sides.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Let us all shovel crap

I read an article in a neo-feminist women’s magazine a few weeks ago in my local hair salon while artificially altering my hair color. The article was titled “Analyze This.. Therapy Pro and Con” Intrigued, but with a smidgen of skepticism I began to explore the editorial. The author (a woman in her early thirties) began by recounting her “pro” experiences with a PhD therapist who, based on the recounting of the sessions, appeared to be more of a reflective, “Rogerianesque” type of clinician. The writer discussed her therapist’s suggestions of sibling jealousy between the financially successful writer and her domestically successful sister. Her narrative itself was mildly interesting with, as expected a poignant ending to the story - discovering that her therapist was, in fact correct in his/her assumptions of the writer’s systemic/family dynamics. If the article had stopped there perhaps that would be been a decent ending to an ordinary but informative story…..but there was more. The four page crap fest continued with a side bar of “Shrink Deal Breakers, find out if you need to dump yours.” This idiotic “list” included such items as “find another therapist if yours blogs, wears a toupee” and my favorite, “has a catchphrase.” I will be the first to admit that not every person that walks into a therapist’s office will develop an instant rapport and become sold on mental health, but to end therapy based on such trivial issues like catchphrases? And how would some neurotic, feminist “journalist” who writes for a women’s magazine be an expert on what makes a good therapist? These were just a few of my concerns about the shallow, arrogant and much uninformed commentary.

I then moved over to another personal story in hopes that I could calm my internal seething. The last portion of the article was written by a 20-something, woman who had participated in psychotherapy for a number of years while residing in a big metropolitan city. This woman’s story was the “therapy con” portion of the article and actually was far more intriguing than the “pro” portion. The woman discussed her life issues, struggles and weekly therapy sessions that seemed to be a requirement of her social circle. After an undisclosed number of years living out her life and making decisions based on a psychoanalyst’s “insights” the woman moved to an animal farm near the outskirts of this city and began a “simple life” of scooping horse dung while contemplating life’s “real issues.” She discussed her innate ability to develop her own brand of insight, problem solving and inner peace all while working with horses and their excretions. I was inspired and amazed at this woman’s ability to take her self-consumed world and look outside of herself to transform her cognitive processes through helping others. This concept is at the heart of what life change and ultimately therapy, is about. In addition to her inspiring story this woman made a statement that was so clear, concise and irreverent I had to read the passage several times to ensure I had grasped the truth in the statement. She wrote, “Some people use therapy to justify their own stagnation.” ABSOLUTELY!!! I could not agree more. In fact, perhaps some people who enter therapy need to be told that this statement may really be the crux of their “issues.” A responsible and ethical therapist will and should let their client’s know when their weekly sessions have become a breeding ground for an idle life. A neurotic, hyper-focus on life issues - irrelevant and perhaps destructive to our cognition is not helpful and probably causes one to truly live their life unexamined.

If shoveling horse manure can allow one to shift their focus from “my mother never loved me enough” to “my mother did the best she could with what she had and it is up to me to stop blaming everyone else for my self-inflicted suffering” then let us all shovel crap – both literally and figuratively.